
Listen Gwrandewch

Am y Band

Mae Rhoben yn chwarae dehongliadau tyner, meddylgar ac emosiynol o gerddoriaeth tradoddiadol Cymru. Mae llais swynol Siriol Davies yn cyfuno gyda gitâr meddylgar, bas dwbl cydgordiol, llinynau esgynnol, ag harmonïau persain i greu sain sydd yn ysgafn ac yn gyfreiddiol, tra hefyd yn ddwfn ac yn oesol.

Aelodau’r grwp yw:

Siriol Davies, Llais, Obo John Ruddock Gitâr Colin Fletcher Bas Dwbl Jane Griffiths Fiola, Ffidil Giles Lewin Ffidil

About the Band

Rholben’s interpretations of the traditional music of Wales are full of tenderness, wit, and deep emotion. The sublime voice of Siriol Davies is backed by thoughtful guitar, melodic bass, sweeping strings, and lush vocal harmony to create a sound that feels light and current whilst also feeling as weighty and old as the hill from which they take their name.

They are:

Siriol Davies Vocals, Oboe John Ruddock Guitar Colin Fletcher Double Bass Jane Griffiths Viola, Fiddle Giles Lewin Fiddle

Live Yn Fyw

July Gorffenaf 2024

Sunday/Sul 28 - Santiago de Compostela, Galicia

Monday/Llun 29 - San Miguel de Reinante, Galicia

Tuesday/Mawrth 30 - Foz, Galicia

Wednesday/Mercher 31 - O Barco de Valdeorras, Galicia

August Awst 2024

Friday/Gwener 2 - Teverga, Asturias - Taverna Narciso

Friday/Gwener 16 - Purbeck Valley Folk Festival